Tips for Planning Your Dissertation

If you have an explicit goal backed up with a formidable structure, you will not have doubts or get shocked when your research takes on another road that you did not see it take when you started writing it. The dissertation is probably the most crucial piece of writing and research; you will take head-on in your undergraduate studies. That, therefore, means that the thought of jotting your thesis or dissertation can be somewhat daunting. To have a smooth start and transition to the end of your text, be advised to have a revamped plan that will focus on your piece, ensure you utilize your time exquisitely well and have the task at a manageable pane.

Choose a field of interest

You must first ask yourself about the topics that you enjoyed most during your coursework. If you select a subject that you had an interest in and go-ahead to investigate, you will have a less strenuous time writing your dissertation.

Ensure that you conduct thorough research on the topic of discussion by reading extensively around that particular subject area. That will give you all the necessary information you might need to support your ideas and arguments in your text.

Search for the most recent articles and texts in your area of interest. Through this, you will be able to illuminate the best direction to take, and you could also fill the available gaps in the field, which you can address in your text.

Select your title and approach

Ask yourself about the line of inquiry. Suppose you would wish to continue with a study extension. In that case, you should look up to applying a given theory to an experience and carefully critique it on its successes. You could also analyze an object or idea with a particular approach.

The approach you take will shape and inform the title of your text. Ensure that the title you choose clearly and vividly presents the line of inquiry that the dissertation will uphold. In case you are not sure about that whole idea, it would be best if you make up a title that works for you. In the process of writing, you could also write up different titles that employ different emphasis. Remember to keep the titles in mind as you continue with your research.

Ensure you have a sit down with your tutor over your title. They are more experienced and will give you the advice you need and help you refining areas where you may be grey at or provide a suggestion of the best readings for your paper.

Construct an outline plan

Here is the general structure of an essay:

  • Introduction – illuminate what you are going to talk about
  • Body – say the thing
  • Conclusion – talk about what you have talked about

You can easily break the above into three areas further. For instance, in the introduction, your subheadings could have:

  • Your examination
  • How you will do it

The main body can get broken down into:

  • Definitions, areas of study, arising problems
  • Main theme or argument
  • Another theme

The conclusion may house the following;

  • The summation of your findings or outcomes
  • The solution, if at all there is one
  • Whatever has remained unsolved
  • A suggestion for future research

Make up a resource list

As you get to planning the section in your paper, be sure to include the names of publications and their corresponding page numbers to assist you in information retrieval as quickly as you can while writing your draft. You can also compile your references as you plan.

Review your plans and adjust them

Your plan may go astray and shift as you write. You may adjust your title and review it as you go about writing your paper.
